About Upperlands Coffee
Our History
Upperlands Coffee Company was established by Julie and John Henderson in 2002 in the village of Upperlands. It was borne from necessity and a passion for coffee – having developed an addiction to the delights of fresh ground coffee whilst managing a dairy farm in western Massachussetts in the USA, on returning home to Ireland they found it increasingly difficult to buy similar quality fresh coffee – so they decided to make their own! Encouraged by friends and family they began to sell their range of fresh roasted coffee blends to the public.
They became well established favourites at St George’s Market, Belfast. After many years selling their coffee by the bag and the cup, it was here that Upperlands Coffee Company attracted a legion of loyal followers. Many customers- from all over the UK & Ireland – some having only sampled the coffee once on a holiday or trip, are now long-term customers who refuse to drink anything else!
In November 2022, Julie and John decided it was time for them to retire from the coffee business and – bereft at the thought that their beloved coffee might no longer be available – long-time customers Dermot & Úna O’Kane stepped in to take it over. The response from all their customers has been immense:
This is the best news – I forwarded your email to my partner and their reply was “There is a God” Haha
You beautiful b**tards!! You went and did it 🙂 This just made my day… order incoming
I am so tired of trying out new coffees and being disappointed. Happy mornings are back
This the best news I’ve heard this year!
Our Journey
We fell in love with Upperlands Coffee many years ago and since taking over the reins we are now equally enamored with our customers; and their love and joy for the coffee. It’s a lovely community to be a part of and we are we are thoroughly enjoying every bit of it. Whilst we are only at the beginning of our coffee roasting journey, we have been so lucky to have Julie and John’s years of experience passed down to us. We are passionate about preserving Upperlands Coffee for everyone to enjoy long into the future and we are committed to the ethos Julie and John had which was simply great, fresh coffee.
We look forward to keeping you pepped on your caffeine fix and hoping you follow us on our journey.